Detailed information about 651-257-5993 or 6512575993 phone number in Saint Paul Minnesota US

6512575993 or 651-257-5993



651-257-5993 or 6512575993

Dewayne commented 2021-03-14
In Viber, this number is signed as a MICHAEL LIFGREN SHAFER MN MITSUBISHI ECLIPSE HCHBK 2DR 2001 4A3AC84H81E012196!


651-257-5993 or 6512575993

Menor commented 2021-02-02
WhatsApp this number is signed as a JAMES LIFGREN SHAFER MN FORD F150 PICKUP 1991 1FTEX15N1MKB11615


651-257-5993 or 6512575993

Howard commented 2020-10-26
Google told me that this is JAMES LIFGREN SHAFER MN FORD F150 PICKUP 1985 1FTCF15F1FPA53272


651-257-5993 or 6512575993

Delbert Arnold commented 2020-09-21
On another site, I found out that this is JAMES LIFGREN SHAFER MN PONTIAC BONNEVILLE 4DR SEDAN 1998 1G2HX52K7W4212748!


651-257-5993 or 6512575993

Vaughn Bradshaw commented 2020-10-26
On the classified site, I found it to be JAMES LIFGREN SHAFER MN CHEVROLET C1500 PICKUP 1995 1GCEC14ZXSZ146948!


651-257-5993 or 6512575993

Lawerence Gerald commented 2021-02-23
On the announcement site, this number is signed as JAMES LIFGREN SHAFER MN FORD F150 PICKUP 1992 1FTDF15N1NPB08846


651-257-5993 or 6512575993

Lenny Marshman commented 2020-07-11
On another site, this number is signed as James M Lifgren Shafer!

Phone details

  • Area Code: 651
  • Prefix: 257
  • Line Number: 5993
  • Location: Saint Paul, Minnesota
  • Country: United States

We deliberately do not indicate the provider of the phone number 651-257-5993, since the owner of the number 6512575993 could independently transfer it to another provider by porting the phone number.

Possible formats

651.257.5993, 6512575993, 651-257-5993, (651)257-5993, 0016512575993, +1 (651) 257-5993, +16512575993, +1 651-257-5993, +1-651-257-5993

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Why use

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